About Me

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Beautiful Bitterroot Valley, Montana, United States
Welcome to my BLOG!! I am a crazy high energy Montana gal. Actually a Texas transplant but because I have lived in this beautiful state for over 50 years I consider myself a true Montanan. I live where most people come to vacation. Married with all boys and three dogs. I love the outdoors, but am not a huge fan of winter. I love sunsets, gentle rains, and roller coasters. I am also an avid equestrian, owning 3 horses, and a mule. I love to quilt during winter months ( Did I mention I am not an avid fan of winter?)So glad you are here and hope we'll be friends! Visit often to see what I have been up to...I guarantee I don't sit still for long!

Winter Sky

Winter Sky

Monday, October 17, 2011

So What Happened to September?

When I last posted it was mid August....now it's mid October and for the life of me I don't know where September went....although I do know some part of it was very sad...
So we finished haying, I had a garage sale and then Craig and I went camping a couple of times...We really toyed with the idea of taking the horses on an actual pack-it-in trip but the weather was so darned hot we decided to just use the RV instead...good idea...we had some good day rides instead of all the work it takes to camp.
I would like to direct you at this time to the other blog we have..http://tessa-itsadogslife.blogspot.com/. Many fun stories of our adventures as seen through the eyes of our beloved Tess..Here you will find photos and never ending escapades of the pooches..
So the sad part of September was the loss of Kate...

Many of you know I have had donkeys for all of my married life. I sort of fell in love with the gentle souls when Craig and I married in 1985. He had one small older grey "Jesus-sized" donkey that I adored. One thing led to another and I either owned or raised 22 of these wonderful beings over the course of the last 26 years...Kate was the last one. She was 25 years old and on 9-10-11 we had to have her humanely euthanized. It was an unexpected loss and the end of a hobby I will never regret having. So carts, buggys,and harness have all been sold and I am truly hoping the new owners will enjoy the items as much as I did over the years...It was a sad time..
Mid September found me in route to my favorite pasttime...quilt retreats...Joining up with 11 of my good friends we spend 4 days lounging in our pjs' with our sewing machines...Ghost Rails Inn, a B&B in Alberton Montana, takes excellent care of us, complete with cute rooms adorned with homemade quilts and fluffy white towels and meals served family style. For those who may follow the blog this year's theme was the Bitterroot Bunch Tacky Party and Quilt Expo. Everyone was a terrific sport and came dressed to dinner on Sunday night in their tackiest attire....and me without my camera too...
So home from the quilt retreat and I have two days to get myself organized for a trip to Ogden. This time to attend and help decorate for the baby shower for our kids. Yes time is flying by and it was so much fun....A couples BBQ was planned and the theme was.."We're adding another pumpkin to the Patch"...Fall colors adorned the yard and food was prepared....oh my, way too much food. 35 of Jaclyn and Scott's friends attended and the party was a brilliant success. Ham, all sorts of salads, chips, dips and cake and homemade ice cream. Baby gifts overflowed the table and I can't say just how many cute and girly things were recieved.. Fantastic! The name was chosen for the new baby as well so soon we will actually be able to welcome, Hadley Wold to our family ( BTW the middle name is yet to be divulged but I am not going to be the one to bug the kids...all in good time!)
So just how much trouble do I get into when I am traveling?. Too much....about 7 months ago I was watching TV..Oprah had on her "favorite things" show and awarded 300 of her audience a new 2012 Volkswagen Beetle....They only showed the outline but I was so intrigued...you see, way back when I went to high school I drove a red 1964 VW bug...it was my dream. In 1971 I purchased yet another VW this one was orange ( named it the Great Pumpkin after the comic strip) and in 2003 I owned my 3rd...a silver one with every bell and whistle they made... okay so on with my story.
I started checking the Internet to find out about the new ones and when they would be available...not much info out there. Calls were made to Montana dealers..not one called me back...so one day in a conversation with Scott I grumbled about not being able to get any info on this new and improved VW due to be released, who knew when. He said the local dealer was just outside the base entrance and he would stop in and ask... Cutrubus VW told him they would let him know when they would arrive and I forgot all about it...well almost...I still checked the web..looked at photos when they did come out, dreamed of maybe looking at one in the spring of 2012 on one of my trips to Ogden. Then September 22 on my way to the baby shower I get a phone call from Scott...."Mom, when can you get here? For heavens sake, Scott, I am someplace outside of Salmon Idaho, taking a new route and you are asking me when I will arrive? Why? Well Cutrubus VW just called and they just got in the new 2012 Turbo...your name was 1st on the list so they are holding it for you to look at. Can you get here by 5:30?" I pulled in their driveway at 5:55pm. We made it to the dealer at 6:45pm the saleman met us, took one look at my Tribeca and said let's talk...the rest is history.... I will finish this story in my next post and continue with where we ended AFTER my return from Ogden...I am just getting started on the VW story. But for now I have to get some dinner going...maybe tomorrow.....to be continued.....

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