About Me

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Beautiful Bitterroot Valley, Montana, United States
Welcome to my BLOG!! I am a crazy high energy Montana gal. Actually a Texas transplant but because I have lived in this beautiful state for over 50 years I consider myself a true Montanan. I live where most people come to vacation. Married with all boys and three dogs. I love the outdoors, but am not a huge fan of winter. I love sunsets, gentle rains, and roller coasters. I am also an avid equestrian, owning 3 horses, and a mule. I love to quilt during winter months ( Did I mention I am not an avid fan of winter?)So glad you are here and hope we'll be friends! Visit often to see what I have been up to...I guarantee I don't sit still for long!

Winter Sky

Winter Sky

Friday, July 22, 2011


In my previous blogs you all will see that I was excited about having my very first grandchild.....all indications were it was 97% boy...well Mother Nature took it upon herself to drop the twigs and berries and now it is definately a girl....Hey, I saw the 3D ultrasound myself and no doubt in this grandma's mind that is a little girl and I am 100% sure.....so bring on the PINK I am having a granddaughter.....

So I went to see Scott and Jaclyn last week......a spur of the moment descision with a late Thursday afternoon phone call from Scott. "Mom this would be time for you to come down for a visit...we have nothing planned." I really wanted to deliver the Baby blooms baby quilt to Theresa in person so I washed clothes threw them in my suitcase and off I went the next day. An 8 hour drive but I didn't leave until 1pm. I posted pictures of the baby quilt gift a while back. Theresa is Jaclyn's best friend and had the cutest baby girl Brynn on June 21st.
I got into Ogden around 9pm and the kids were at a dinner....I have a key to the back door but I was a bit apprehensive about their dogs....Jackson is a huge Goldendoodle. Key in door, deep voiced dog bark.....uh oh. Open door slowly, almost get trampled by a huge white fluffy dog greeting me with wags and wiggles...."Hi..OH BOY COMPANY!!!. you here to play?.... Jackson makes a lousy watchdog! Good thing they have a well secured house.
Kids arrive home around 10. Oh what a sight to see. Jaclyn comes in wearing a full length back evening gown with a sexy open back and deep vee neck and looks absolutely fabulous. Yep her baby bump is definately showing but she looks so cute. I never looked that good when I was carrying...Scott is next dressed in his dress blues. I totally messed up...the dinner they went to was his inductiuon ceremony for Master Sargent. ( I just didn't listen when he told me what the dinner was or I would have tried a bit harder to get there earlier....dang!)
Oh by the way on my way there I dropped off my laptop again for viruses...and guess where the camera SD card is......in the computer so I go to use my camera and no memory....DUMB!!!
Saturday we sleep in and after a quick and easy breakfast we all jump in their Jeep ( an 81?.....cute cute cute)and go the the Ogden Farmers Market. We all enjoy the crafts and wares, no real produce yet but it's fairly warm so we all enjoy a snow cone...Saturday night Theresa Dustin and Brynn come over for an inpromtu BBQ. Burgers on the smoker. Me, I get to hold this precious 3 week old baby girl all evening. She is adorable. Theresa and Dustin both really liked the Baby Blooms quilt I made.

Plan is to use it as a wall hanging while the weather is hot. I am so glad she liked it...
Sunday we all got up early ( remember I am retired and not an early bird!) but the kids loaded up the jeep and two 4 wheelers and we headed up the mountain....forecast was for 90+* Jaclyn and I took the Jeep and Scott and Dustin rode the wheelers. Jackson came along for the ride too.....Again no camera....dumb! We had a fantastic day jeeping the roads at 13,000 feet in cool 70* weather....I even rode the 4 wheeler for a while...fun time! That evening Scott made a great dinner seared Ahi Tuna and coconut shrimp. I think he may end up being a master chef someday...he loves to cook. Jaclyn is a great cook too. She made yummy muffins for me. I even managed to whip up an apple pie for them...Scott's favorite!
Monday was the bad one.....Both the kids went to work and I took off to go shopping....planning to meet Theresa for lunch and do a bit of "secret" baby shopping. I sort of got turned around and turned one street too soon to find the main thoroughfare....confused and trying to watch many things at once ....construction on one corner to my right...a food cart on the near corner to my left...trying to locate the street name sign, which should be located on the left side corner, right and a looming overpass ( that I knew I didn't want to go over)I finally looked up to find myself cruising through a red light, which, by the way, had the street name directly above it.....Too late.....
The other car needed towing but speed was not a factor as much as the angle and momentum of her car with me hitting her rear wheel and spinning her 180*....now I hear she is claiming bodlily injury...grrrr why can't people just be honest....it was just a minor fender bender.....
Back to being a granddmother.....because that's what we do.....Jaclyn and her friend, Theresa, have been hitting every yard sale in the Salt Lake/Ogden area for weeks.....the cute baby things they have found are amazing only one very small problem.....everything was blue.....trucks, footballs, dumptrucks, you name it it all shouts BOY BOY BOY... and both Scott and Jaclyn were stressed about not having the time to go find pink stuff......So remember I said I was off that morning to do some serious shopping....TJ MAXX is the best!! I loaded every blue boy outfit in my car and when Jaclyn got home from an awful day at work I lead her to the baby's room..complaining about a shelf that had fallen.....TA DAH.....open the closet to find it filled with pink pink and more pink....sleepers, dresses, shoes and even a toile tu-tu for those adorable newborn photos. I had more fun. Now their stress is lifted a bit and Jaclyn can fill in the empty spaces with the things she wants....So if anyone out there knows of anyone that is expecting a boy...come see me before next weekend.....Yard Sale time....
Monday night ended with a quick visit with my favorite niece from Dallas. Shelby was in Salt Lake for a convention so we swooped her from the airport and had Lobster tacos at the famous Red Iguana Mexican restaurant....Visit was short but great as I haven't seen her in a few years.....
Well one more thing before I wrap this up today....the view from my front porch is always a good one......this one was taken just a few minutes ago...neener neener you have cherubs and birdbaths, my yard art is way more expensive than yours!!
..hay still isn't cut....maybe tomorrow????

Have a fantastic week!!


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